As a group of Methodist Churches throughout Northern Ireland, we are committed to upholding and defending the doctrines of the Word of God, including the traditional Biblical teaching on marriage.
We are therefore deeply saddened by the decision of the Methodist Church in Great Britain to redefine marriage to include homosexuality, to conduct same sex weddings and approve of cohabitation as an alternative to marriage. The fact that they state that it was after several years of consultation throughout the denomination and was passed by 254 votes to 46 reveals how widespread the departure from Scripture is within the denomination. If instead they had consulted with the Scriptures and sought the will of God with an open mind, they would have come to a different conclusion. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism described the mission of Methodism as: “to reform the nation and the church, to spread Scriptural holiness over the land.” It is a tragedy that today the Methodist church in Britain, which was raised up to “spread Scriptural holiness throughout the land” is now endorsing what the Scripture condemns as sin.
As a conservative Methodist denomination, we reaffirm our commitment to Scriptural holiness and to the defence and proclamation of Biblical truth. We would call on all churches and individuals who bear the name of Methodist to state unequivocally their disapproval of this departure from the Word of God and to break all fellowship with what is now clearly an apostate church.
William R Park Public Morals committee of Fellowship of Independent Methodist Churches.
A Statement on behalf of The Fellowship of Independent Methodist Churches As a denomination we are deeply concerned by the increasing spiritual and moral decadence in our province. Scripture teaches us that "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” Prov 14:34.
It is alarming to witness the decline in moral standards and departure from the teaching of Holy Scripture during recent generations. The situation is evidenced by recent legislation introduced such as the legalising of same sex marriage, and the actions of the Secretary of State in overruling the devolved powers at Stormont to implement here the most liberal abortion laws in the UK. The recent motion to introduce a bill to ban conversion therapy in all its forms received overwhelming support by our legislators. They refused an amendment that would have removed it applying to Christian conversion and counselling. If passed as proposed it will criminalise praying, counselling, and preaching on these issues.
The fact that such laws receive acceptance by a considerable proportion of our society reveals how far our people have turned away from God. For this trend to be halted we believe there must be either judgement from God or national repentance and a spiritual revival.
We are reminded of the words of Arthur Wallis “Because of His very nature, God cannot and will not permit spiritual decline to continue unchecked. He is ever halting and reversing the trend of the times by either judgement or revival. Where his people are not prepared for the one, they shut themselves up to the other." (In the Day of thy Power).
Our General Council have set aside Sat 8th May as a day of prayer by all our churches for a spiritual revival in our land. Let us seek God that He might be merciful to us and visit us again in revival. We will be holding Zoom prayer meetings at 10.00am, 2.00pm & 8.00pm. For further information contact your local Independent Methodist Minister.
We would invite other Christians, Churches and Mission halls to join with us by organising special times of prayer on that day. We need a united volume of fervent intercession for our nation. We believe this is our only hope for Ulster. Will you join with us at this critical time for our land?